A search on Google for “Swedish Pirates” doesn’t really bring any swashbuckling results. Apparently, there weren’t any Swedish pirates, per se...
What we Swedes DO have, however... are Vikings! (Obviously near and dear to the hearts of IKEA Twin Cities, and Minnesota football fans everywhere.)
The name “Viking” may be derived from the Swedish word for bay: “vik.” The people of Sweden had very close ties to the sea, on which they depended for their livelihood. Vikings may have a reputation for drinking, looting, and robbing – but on the home front the Vikings were farmers and tradesmen. Most of their excursions were for exploration and trade... but let’s be honest: looting and pillaging did happen.
Unlike their neighbors in Norway, the Swedish Vikings sent most of their expeditions to the East. Their influence is found in Russia, who’s name may originate from one of the names of a Swedish Viking: “Ruser.”
Speaking of pirate names... (Viking names?...) start your celebration of International Talk Like a Pirate Day by finding out your Pirate Name! http://www.piratequiz.com/
Give your social media a pirate-y twist with the Pirate Translator at PostLikeaPirate.com! http://postlikeapirate.com/
...and read about Vikings on Wikipedia! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viking